Young people's forum

Young people's forum

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Please note that all posts are seen by Nelson’s Journey staff before being posted on the Forum.
We moderate posts as soon as possible, but not at weekends. You can read the rules about using the Forum here. Please don't post the photos on other websites.

If you need support right now, please call ChildLine on 0800 1111 or visit
If you have not got a username and password and would like to use the Forum, please email
The Nelson’s Journey Forum is for children and young people (up to their 18th birthday) living in Norfolk who have had someone significant in their life die. To get your username and password, you will need to have been referred to Nelson’s Journey for bereavement support. If you are aged 16 or over, you can make a referral for yourself. If you are under 16, your parent or carer will need to make a referral for you.

A referral can be made by clicking here. If you are over 18, you may find it helpful to go to
Registered Charity Number 1065775